Synonymous with Wraith units, it should come as no surprise that Iyanden offers the most incentives to field anything Wraith related. These are very specific traits which can be taken by applicable Warlords within their Specialist Detachments. Codex: Craftworld Eldar (3rd Edition) – Warhammer 40k – Lexicanum No unit you could field here gets any direct benefit from being in a Ynnari Detachment, and should be fielded in a secondary Craftworld Detachment to at least gain some benefit of use. Indirectly, Horrify combined with its Mindshock Droppods make for one of the most potent leadership bombs possible with the added bonus of being strictly from one source. Given how fast most of your army will be as well, it may not be a bad idea to slap Faolchu’s Wing on a footslogging Warlock or Spiritseer so that they can keep pace with their wards. On the flipside, Dark Reapers are also a perfect counter to other armies abusing to hit modifiers themselves. But beware of Adeptus Custodes Venerable Land Raiders- they get a Stratagem that lets them ignore all of those penalties entirely. Remember that you drop down during the Movement Phase so the vehicle has to sit still for a turn. Of special note, Shadow Spectres can become even more of a pain to get rid of if using Alaitoc’s “-1 to hit” rule, making them borderline untouchable at range assuming your Warlock is still casting conceal on them, that’s -3 to hit from 12″ or further!ĭepending on how important those Fire Dragons are, consider taking a non-warlord Autarch or Warlock to provide re-roll support or defensive buffs so that they can do their jobs effectively and potentially even survive the following turn. Shining Spears stole the spotlight when it comes to Saim-Hann’s Fast Attack choices, as their immense threat range makes hit and run tactics particularly potent given their re-rollable charges. Dire Avengers and Rangers are cheaper if you plan to save codes points for Wraith units, and also appreciate the morale immunity should you max out their squad sizes as well. Take a unit of 5 Wraithblades with Ghostswords, a Spiritseer with Enhance, and a Farseer with Doom and Fortune, with one of eodar characters carrying the Psytronome of Iyanden. Don’t take Eldar Titans, they are overpriced, inflexible, not cost effective, and are still much squishier than their Imperial counterparts.

Shining Spearsif you’re not fielding Howling Banshees or Wraithblades, should be your immediate go-to for Melee combat. Warhammer 40,/Tactics/Eldar(8E) – 1d4chan It’s official – the next codex for Warhammer 40, (and the first xenos Older hobbyists among you may remember Craftworld Eldar, which. This time, we will cover most of the units in the. Hey everyone, Reecius here to continue the review of the new 8th ed Codex: Craftworlds review. Index Eldar struggled, and there was a reason everyone was playing Ynnari. Codex: Craftworlds is a seriously awesome book.